"What continent of denial are you vacationing
in... and how do I get there?" "I miss Wonderfalls *shoots the swan*" "I'll be watching an all new episode of Miami Vice this monday if you want to join me." "My mum is a big fat liar!" "So which one of you ladies is going to make me Easter dinner?" "Fell asleep watching the Hulk. Does that count as watching it???" "I wish that I slept through the Hulk when I saw it." "Best thing about a new episode of Angel besides it being a new episode is no more Double Smallville. Isn't Clark looking at Lana all moody once a night once too much?" "I'm totally wigging out. i'll be completely insufferable on wednesday. i'll probably end up writing something on my hand." "I can't wait. I am so excited, i was alomost going insane....almost." "This coming from the man who cried when it was announced that Luke Perry wasn't coming to D*C." "Welcome to the board! Hope you like what we've neglected to do with the place." "Atheism was kinda gettin me down, with nothing to live for and all." "You do have a thing for dildos, don't you?" "Oh lord, I thinks the dildo quote will bite me in the ass" "Dildo's bite your ass? Cool, I wanna see! *runs*" "The better to spank you with, my dear." "God I look so pissed off in my school ID."